Continuous MLOps

Streamlining AI Operations with TAZI

Real-time, Event-driven Operations

TAZI’s MLOps solutions are at the forefront of machine learning operationalization, enabling the seamless scaling of model management. Our platform ensures agility in deployment, monitoring, and updating of machine learning models, integrating Python, R, and TAZI AutoML Models to maximize the value from AI investments. Through systematic lifecycle management, we guarantee that each phase of model development is optimized for efficiency and effectiveness, enhancing the robustness and scalability of machine learning solutions.

Reduced Resource Requirements

Rooted in the principles of responsible AI, TAZI’s platform is designed to be intuitive and accessible for all users, promoting the democratization of AI. By focusing on human-centric design and energy-efficient operations, we significantly lower both the computational and human resources needed for effective machine learning. Our approach not only reduces the complexity and cost associated with AI deployment but also ensures our technology is environmentally friendly and aligned with global sustainability goals.

Data & Computational Costs

Embracing responsible AI, TAZI prioritizes efficient data usage and computational resource management. Our platform facilitates the integration of human expertise and regulatory knowledge into machine learning models, enhancing their relevance and applicability. By advocating for transparency and sustainability, we adhere to the EU Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI, ensuring our solutions are ethically designed and contribute positively to societal advancements.

Elevating ML Operations with Efficiency and Responsibility

At TAZI, our commitment extends beyond providing advanced machine learning solutions; we aim to foster an ecosystem where AI is used responsibly, efficiently, and ethically. Our continuous MLops framework empowers businesses to harness the power of AI while adhering to the highest standards of data protection and ethical use, paving the way for a future where AI drives meaningful business outcomes and societal benefits.

See Results in 40 days

Easy to Use

TAZI can be used by business users who don’t have data science training, such as business analyst or a C-level executive.

Time to value

TAZI provides explanations to business users on data, models and results, business users can take actions or update data or models based on what they see.


TAZI models can learn in while they are in production, they adapt to changes in data and reducing errors, IT&data science MLOps efforts and cloud computing costs.


TAZI is highly focused on business outcome and ROI of AI predictions.

Take the next step with TAZI

30 minutes: What it is, How it works, and How to get started.
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