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Ready-to-Use Solutions for Fast ROI

TAZI’s ready-to-use Solutions accelerate positive, real-life business impact of AI and GenAI projects. These Solutions can be an informed starting point for your AI strategy, lowering your risk.
Our growing suite of pre-built AI and GenAI Solutions addresses business challenges with highly dynamic data such as: 

  • Customer Retention
  • Demand Forecasting, and
  • Fraud Detection. 

Every business is unique, TAZI Solutions are flexible and they can be easily adapted to your unique business conditions.

Business In The Loop™ Platform

Collaboration between data and business teams is essential in the AI and GenAI model lifecycle: from prototyping to production, and retraining (McKinsey & Company, ‘Capturing the full value of generative AI in banking). TAZI is purpose built for collaboration and rapid prototyping between business and technology teams, focusing on business user experience.

We keep Business In The Loop at all times, so we make it easy for business experts to engage and influence AI and GenAI models from the start: approve the data, determine outcome criteria, establish rules only experts know from experience, compare performance based on business KPIs not just data science, and use business dashboards to monitor and interpret the ROI, in real time.

80% of AI projects are not deployed in production (Harvard Business Review). This is because AI and GenAI models are built by technology teams without business experts at the table, so they are not trusted. With a Business In The Loop™ approach TAZI turns the 80% failure rate into an 80% success rate.

Minimize Change Management

Innovation is essential but it means change and change is hard. Your teams are used to working in a specific way. This is why TAZI does not change how your teams work. It integrates seamlessly with where your data sits and where you want TAZI to show the recommendations. Your teams can continue to work where they work today but with better results. It’s a win-win.

Reduce Costs and Maximize Efficiency

TAZI automates steps of the AI model lifecycle to reduce routine tasks for data and IT teams, and focus business teams on the most profitable tasks. With TAZI you do not have to:

  • Hire large data teams to build, deploy and maintain AI and GenAI models
  • Buy expensive and heavy AI platforms, or tens of point solutions
  • Hire an army of IT experts to run your AI stack
    Suffer lower results due to business experts’ turnover

Instead, small data teams run hundreds of models in production without IT. Business and data teams build new solutions at a fraction of the time and cost, and business experts focus on most valuable tasks to maximise the ROI.

Scale AI Responsibly with Comprehensive Oversight

While prototyping, AI governance may not be top of mind, but an AI solution in production needs to have the right guardrails. With TAZI your AI solutions are responsible. Our governance tools provide an oversight of AI deployments, ensuring adherence to best practices and standards. You can monitor and manage AI initiatives effectively and balance innovation with risk.

Foster Trust with Transparent and Explainable AI

TAZI’s commitment to transparent and explainable AI builds trust. Our platform provides clarity on how AI models make predictions, ensuring that business experts understand and trust the AI-driven processes. This transparency is crucial for maintaining confidence in AI applications and their outcomes.

Ensure Security and Compliance

With TAZI, data security and compliance are paramount. Our platform has robust security features, including role-based access controls and comprehensive audit trails, ensuring that data practices meet internal and external regulatory standards. This approach safeguards critical data assets and maintains the integrity of your IT operations.

What Our Customers Say

We have completed the 3rd year of our collaboration with TAZI. The synergy created by our corporate expertise combined with TAZI’s specialization has increased the effectiveness and efficiency of our customer retention efforts. Thanks to TAZI’s approach referred to as ‘Business in the loop,’ our teams can easily engage in processes. One of the strengths of TAZI is the ease of working with TAZI teams and the robustness of their support system.

Riza Kutlusoy

Ex-CEO, Is Investment

See Results in 40 days

Easy to Use

TAZI can be used by business users who don’t have data science training, such as business analyst or a C-level executive.

Time to value

TAZI provides explanations to business users on data, models and results, business users can take actions or update data or models based on what they see.


TAZI models can learn in while they are in production, they adapt to changes in data and reducing errors, IT&data science MLOps efforts and cloud computing costs.


TAZI is highly focused on business outcome and ROI of AI predictions.

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