Customer Retention

Growth fuels an organization at a diminishing rate over time making retention essential for companies to thrive. That means customer retention isn’t only a priority, it’s one of the most impactful strategies you can employ for long-term success.

“To make up for the loss of one existing customer, companies have to acquire three new customers.”

(McKinsey & Company, 2023)

To help retain customers with more precision and at higher rates, at TAZI we’ve developed a range of customer retention solutions designed to address multiple drivers of the retention success rate. Our AI and GenAI solutions are not standalone; they are part of a growing and interconnected ecosystem, learning and evolving to maximize your return on investment (ROI). 

From our work with organizations across industries we have found that for any business challenge, there are multiple AI solutions that need to be built. Those solutions should work together where an outcome of one may be a data point for another, or where one solution adds a new dimension to another solution.

Your Blueprint for an AI Strategy in Customer Retention

AI strategy is a journey and TAZI gives you a blueprint for this journey where, at every step, you can achieve an incremental ROI. You can start with any retention solution and build from there aligning your AI strategy with your operations and vision for growth through retention.

And best of all we’re here for the full, long ride. Our blueprint and Solutions Library is just a starting point. As a fully featured AI platform with TAZI you can continue to build new AI solutions, so there will be no need to change the technology and slow down just when you are ready to accelerate.

Quickly See the ROI and Speed Time to Market

TAZI’s suite of AI solutions for Customer Retention is designed to help you start quickly and test where your biggest impact may be. Simply add your data, the models will self retrain, and show you the ROI, so you can decide where you can get the highest impact. 

This is a growing library, so here is just a representative list. If you don’t see what you’re looking for let us know because we may just have the solution you need but have failed to list it here.

Churn Prediction

Predict and prevent customer attrition with our advanced AI models, enabling proactive engagement strategies.

Customer Complaints Resolution

Enhance customer satisfaction by swiftly addressing and resolving complaints using AI-driven insights.

Sentiment Classification

Understand customer sentiments in real-time, allowing for tailored communication and improved customer experiences.

Upsell/X-Sell Probability

Identify potential opportunities for upselling and cross-selling with precision, increasing revenue per customer.

Propensity to Buy

Predict customer buying behaviors to optimize product offerings and marketing strategies.

Targeted Marketing

Leverage AI to create highly personalized marketing campaigns that resonate with individual customer preferences.

Profitability Detection

Identify the most profitable customer segments to focus your resources effectively.

Price Elasticity

Understand how pricing changes impact customer demand and adjust strategies accordingly.

Customer Lifetime Value

Calculate and maximize the long-term value of each customer relationship with predictive AI models.

What Our Customers Say

We have completed the 3rd year of our collaboration with TAZI. The synergy created by our corporate expertise combined with TAZI’s specialization has increased the effectiveness and efficiency of our customer retention efforts. Thanks to TAZI’s approach referred to as ‘Business in the loop,’ our teams can easily engage in processes. One of the strengths of TAZI is the ease of working with TAZI teams and the robustness of their support system.

Riza Kutlusoy

Ex-CEO, Is Investment

See Results in 40 days

Easy to Use

TAZI can be used by business users who don’t have data science training, such as business analyst or a C-level executive.

Time to value

TAZI provides explanations to business users on data, models and results, business users can take actions or update data or models based on what they see.


TAZI models can learn in while they are in production, they adapt to changes in data and reducing errors, IT&data science MLOps efforts and cloud computing costs.


TAZI is highly focused on business outcome and ROI of AI predictions.

Take the next step with TAZI

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