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Ready-to-Use Solutions for Fast ROI

TAZI’s ready-to-use Solutions accelerate positive, real-life business impact of AI and GenAI projects. These Solutions can be an informed starting point for your AI strategy, lowering your risk.
Our growing suite of pre-built AI and GenAI Solutions addresses business challenges with highly dynamic data such as: 

  • Customer Retention
  • Demand Forecasting, and
  • Fraud Detection. 

Every business is unique, TAZI Solutions are flexible and they can be easily adapted to your unique business conditions.

Business In The Loop™ Platform

Collaboration between data and business teams is essential in the AI and GenAI model lifecycle: from prototyping to production, and retraining (McKinsey & Company, ‘Capturing the full value of generative AI in banking). TAZI is purpose built for collaboration and rapid prototyping between business and technology teams, focusing on business user experience.

We keep Business In The Loop at all times, so we make it easy for business experts to engage and influence AI and GenAI models from the start: approve the data, determine outcome criteria, establish rules only experts know from experience, compare performance based on business KPIs not just data science, and use business dashboards to monitor and interpret the ROI, in real time.

80% of AI projects are not deployed in production (Harvard Business Review). This is because AI and GenAI models are built by technology teams without business experts at the table, so they are not trusted. With a Business In The Loop™ approach TAZI turns the 80% failure rate into an 80% success rate.

Continuous Self Learning Models for Highly Dynamic Data

TAZI’s patented AI models are self learning. As the data and business dynamics change, models are retraining without manual intervention. This is essential for dynamic data such as customer data. Manually or batch retraining of AI and GenAI models, as data or business conditions change, is not scalable in production because models quickly become inaccurate, and the manual process takes too long: weeks or months. Monitoring and Business (Human) feedback is built into the process, so that models continue to operate as intended and with the appropriate business oversight.

Dynamic Business Dashboards

All AI and GenAI solutions built in the TAZI Platform come with dynamic business dashboards making it easy for business experts to engage and evaluate the accuracy of models from the start. Business dashboards are automatically updated with every model iteration, keeping the business experts In The Loop and enabling them to iterate fast with data teams to increase the trust and success rate in production. Dashboards are easy to customize, or extend, to meet the needs of different experts from executives and leaders to individual contributors acting on the recommendations.

Integrated with any Business Systems

TAZI minimizes change management when implementing AI and GenAI solutions. Our API-First approach makes it easy to integrate TAZI with your existing business tools (on-premises or cloud-based) to reduce the impact on your teams. TAZI can send information to any system your teams currently use. Before adding AI and GenAI recommendations to your existing tools you can also apply additional rules specific to your business to make the recommendations more accurate for your business teams. Our platform’s flexible architecture supports a variety of computational environments, optimizing performance for diverse workloads and ensuring that existing investments in technology are maximized.

See Results in 40 days

Easy to Use

TAZI can be used by business users who don’t have data science training, such as business analyst or a C-level executive.

Time to value

TAZI provides explanations to business users on data, models and results, business users can take actions or update data or models based on what they see.


TAZI models can learn in while they are in production, they adapt to changes in data and reducing errors, IT&data science MLOps efforts and cloud computing costs.


TAZI is highly focused on business outcome and ROI of AI predictions.

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30 minutes: What it is, How it works, and How to get started.
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